I hear the mantra that many died for the right to vote and like every election since ive been alive…that one should do so because “so much” is at stake in this election…but Christ died that you may be born again and free from sin, see the Kingdom of God and to live with him forever in heavenly paradise. The former has a temporary effect, the latter has an eternal effect. So which one is more important? It is said that you should not legislate morality, which I agree because you cant make someone not sin by law since laws only illuminate and do not correct sin. In contrast, you should not legislate “immorality” because many are not born again and do not know Christ (A new Normal). Therefore, since many do not know Christ the nation is judged by the conduct or lack thereof, of its leaders.
If you study the Book of Judges and examine the tenure of Saul you will find that he was “selected” by the “people” versus a leader selected by God through his Prophet Samuel…and as a consequence they experienced a time of famine, economic distress and extreme apostasy or “turning away” from the faith because of compromise with their “enemies.” (Sounds like today’s time with all the empty churches and uncommitted Christians that have vacated due to the cares of this world). I can almost hear the people who compromised during that time uttering the words “its ok, to each their own, live and let live, coexist, all religions (mormonism) lead to god, and love wins (non-traditional marriage)…which on the surface sounds pleasant but underneath, shows a contempt for the Gospel and Holiness and is the foundation for the heretical doctrine of “inclusion”. Further, to vote for any candidate who promotes inherent sinfulness and give legitimacy to depravity is an affront to what a follower of Christ truly believes..which is that the gift of grace/salvation is to be cherished and not trampeld. Now those who claim that there is no “absolute” truth, and that morality is relative based on the time culture and circumstances is encouraging spiritual failure through compromise. Even the oft misinterpreted “Separation of Church and State” (which is not a law) does not mean a seperation of Man from from accountability to God!…Now to be clear, you should obey the laws of the land, respect authority regardless who wins. However, those tenants should not infringe upon Gods laws.
Remember God has the longest arm of the of justice in his creation which reaches beyond the grave and is executed in eternity. He has already won all of his terms, His office never expires. Presidents answer to him, nations tremble at his voice, he alone has the power to forgive sin and the ultimate sovereignity to execute the sentence of Hell or aquit the guilty to go to heaven. So in the end express your right to vote, its a wonderful “natural” choice and mirrors the free will that God has given us…nevertheless, like Christ, we should say not “my will” but your will…”God’s will” be done! This concept is why many are leaving the option to “abstain” from voting based on Biblical principle as a legitimate choice. That stance is unpopular, and if declared publicly, many will get crucified by those that do not espouse to such “high” and “lofty” standards…but remember no politician died for your sins, has the power to heal, deliver and set free, raise the dead nor create the heavens and earth…God does, has and always will. God deserves your vote of confidence, love, and reverence. Now Choose Wisely!