He that Hath an Ear…

I had a dream of me and my family walking down a street and my children noticed a swarm of flies and maggots covers a bush…i went to investigate and pulled back a few leaves and I saw a severed/cut off ear laying on the leaf….no body..just flies maggots and a cut off ear….Satan is the Lord of the flies also known as “beelzebub” and flies are a distraction to sheep….distractions or worries keep people from hearing the Word of God and if you cant hear your faith in Christ will die and you will be missing from the Body (Romans 10:17). The Ancient Shepards poured olive oil on the heads of sheep to keep the “nose” flies from entering in their noses to lay eggs and multiply in their brains…if you are not careful, the cares of this world will consume your mind until you cant hear God any longer…


Hear me. Your religion and traditional affiliation and dedication to your dying ministry will not suffice in this hour….the locust swarm is here and its only under the heavy anointing of God that will keep your spirit focused….many false teacher, prophets have gone forth..bishops with no churches, prophets with no covering, bastard pastors, snakelike evangelists and ungodly feminists in the pulpit are ravaging the sheep…filthy lucre, money changers in the temple…but Christ is pulling out his belt on the false shepards and their marketing of soothing compromising words will be removed…unlike unfreind if you must but Let Gods word be true and every Ungodly Man be a liar. Hell is real but so is the saving Grace of Christ…thank God for him…now you must know him and follow him for yourself. ~ Pastor Martin


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