Jesus had many disciples that fell into many categories…Some where unknown and curious and followed for a while but as soon as trouble came (one man said he could not follow until his father died) they disappeared, a few were like Nicodemus who followed Jesus Intellectually but did not stay, others where like Joseph of Arimethea who followed and loved Jesus but did it only in secret (You can shout right here).
Judas was a disciple who profoundly hurt and betrayed the Master yet the experience was essential to Jesus ultimate destiny on the cross. Then there were those who followed him openly and had passion like Peter, the brotherly love of James and youth and vigor like John who all saw Christ from a heavenly perspective, full of revelation and power…Yet when it was time to die Christ had to do it alone…BUT he also got the Glory alone and left a generational legacy.
Keep your focus, don’t worry about followers, don’t worry about finances, who left you, who is curious, who will endorse you or those that bring you pain…for many are called but few are chosen for greatness. #fitforthekingom #Dontstopletsgetit #faith