Legally Confused?

Truth to Power: There is a larger issue at work here regarding the Trayvon/Zimmerman case. For years the United States has purposely touted the separation of church and state. On the surface the secularization keeps religious zealots from using the power of belief to control public life BUT that same line of philosophy inadvertently promotes agnosticism or atheism…(I.e,, dont shove your faith down our throats or keep your religion in your personal life). 

Unfortunately this so called separation strips MORALITY out of the justice system. If its legal then its right. If its illegal then its wrong. Its legal to have same sex marriage but immoral in the eyes of God. Its Legal to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes but its immoral because those things destroy the human body God gave us as temples for the Holy Spirit….Secularism has a legal compass not a moral compass. Therefore the undertones of racism are really a smokescreen when there is no regard for Gods law. Further, God only sees two races, The Child of God (Saved) and the Children of the Devil (Not Saved). So the truth is that there will be more cases (like many in the past) that can’t be proven “legally”…

So what does God say in such matters…

Proverbs 6:16-19
New Living Translation (NLT)

16 There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, 18 a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, 19 a false witness who pours out lies,
a person who sows discord in a family.

This is a moral Stance…the scripture illustrates the “injustice” that many people felt in their spirit…but its not deemed relevant in an increasingly secular humanistic society. 

Now the Good News…there are those who will speak truth to power in the face of any President or political party on the national or local level, reaching the HEARTS of people who have influence to turn back to God….THERE is also a judge in heaven that has all the hidden and revealed evidence of the mind, soul and spirit of those in the case…God will judge and his arms reach beyond the grave and into eternity. All men and women will answer to him…I pray that you know Jesus Christ for yourself…he is the only one who can plead our case to the father, acquitting the guilty who claim HIM as savior from all sin and unrighteousness. 

‪#‎trial‬ ‪#‎whatsayyou‬ ‪#‎truth‬ ‪#‎perspective‬ ‪#‎zimmermantrial‬ ‪#‎secularhumanism‬‪#‎onlyGodcanjudgefairly‬

–Pastor Andre Martin


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