Several months ago I had a vision of a national leader that was being handed several idols one after the other by different people that were surrounding him…he was sitting on a throne and his pants were down while he was looking at what was being handed to him. At first I thought it was “all a dream” but The lord said that this leader was looking at everything else but himself and as a result he will be exposed for his weaknesses. We all have things that distract us or things we idolize rather than looking to God as “the” source for our needs, wants and desires…this is especially penetrating for those of us who are driven with a CEO like intensity to make things happen…but as one preacher said …we have to look to the hills from whence cometh our help…and our help COMES from the lord. He is our Shepard and as Psalms 23 teaches, he leads us and guides us through the dark and desolate times in our lives and makes us LIE down in green pastures besides the still waters…I, like many of you, have struggled with being still when there is SO much we need to do in the kingdom…but if one is not careful, what was originally a pursuit of the things of God can transform into vanity and pride because we are looking to ourselves when we are not God. Remember success in the Kingdom of God means that He is with you…nothing more and nothing less…so stay focused and keep looking to the hills from whence cometh your help and that Help is Jesus.