So What about Bruce Jenner? (The Need for true Discipleship)

Truth Minute: So What about Bruce Jenner? (The Need for true Discipleship)

Some of the people on my wall may be wondering why I haven’t chimed in on the Bruce Jenner “coming out” situation. Well, you have to choose your battles wisely and from what I have been seeing, it isn’t the secular or non-believers I have issue with for the Bible says the world will love its own so it will promote its own and vehemently come against those who are against them…That is normal…My gripe or issue is with the “Cultural Christians” or those who like Jesus but don’t follow or adhere to his teachings, don’t really go to any church (even when they repeatedly say they will) and don’t believe he is God. Cultural Christians like a powerless, “down to earth” god that only speaks of grace but no repentance or accountability. So rather than laser focus on the specific issue which is “one” of the many effects of a sinful world (which will get worse), I think the true believers focus should be on intense discipleship and not making our ministries membership “farms” of unsaved, ignorant or religiously unregenerate people that only pay for bills and events. That environment creates a group of people out there who are either misinformed due to a lack of Biblical teaching or those that lack spiritual power because the preacher never was saved themselves or they believe that since they grew up in a household that went to church that means they automatically are going to heaven and that their standard of living is approved by God regardless of what his word says. Thus the reason “do not judge” is the cultural christian’s favorite commandment but not realizing that God’s judgement for all sinners has only one verdict and without Jesus Christ there will be no acquittal from guilt… So whats the answer? Focus. Not just focus on heaven only but focus on sound doctrine and the truth of Gods word to those that will receive:

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (NKJV)
1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:
2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;
4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Trust me, if a pastor is teaching the uncompromising Word from Genesis to Revelation and not motivational speeches or subliminal messages with buzzwords for democrats, republicans, new agers, greedy “faith on demand” opportunists or other agendas…the church will be healthier and people who are not true lovers of God will automatically fall away because of sound doctrine. Yes offerings will at times drop. Yes people will dis-invite you to meetings or speaking engagements. Yes few politicians will “publicly” endorse you and yes there will be threats from people who are not saved or are anti-theists (because if you declare your faith and stand openly against their value system, there will be repercussions such as slander and silent opposition from church “folk” who secretly agree and sympathize with “trending” sins themselves). So my prayer for you is that you trust God, Believe Him, Serve Him, and build relationships with sinners who want to be free and teach the saved who want to know and love God more. It’s going to take power, anointing and endurance to keep the faith…but don’t worry, Jesus is on your side so keep moving forward and speak truth to the POWERS and Principalities that be!

~ Pastor Andre Martin

#truth #distractions #popculture #theriseofthesaducees #dontbescaredtocometoDTCC #brucejenner

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