Truth minute: Hidden Dragon (Chosen to Be broken)
One of the hidden revelations of the Book of Job is in chapter 41s description of the monster called leviathan. Fierce claws like iron, impenetrable and airtight skin, terrible teeth and nostrils that blow fire…some say it’s an allusion to a literal great fish or prehistoric animal of the deep…others say that it’s poetic symbolism expressed during Jobs trial as a venting session… but if you read the entire chapter it concludes with the following:
On earth there is nothing like him, Which is made without fear. He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride.””
Job 41:33-34 NKJV
First, an animal can’t have prideful children. That’s pretty clear. So what is the lesson God is speaking to us in regards to this enigma? Well, if you were to draw a picture of what is described, it bears a striking resemblance to a dragon…ones seen in folklore. It’s like J.R.R. Tolkiens Smaug visually. Biblically dragons are a symbol and type of anti-Christ power…a spirit seen as the false head of an unholy trinity (dragon/Satan, Beast/secular government and false prophet/false religion). Specifically lucifer, the father of PRIDE himself is not a literal dragon…but God describes his character that way. After all it is The Devil himself that was released to afflict Job…and God allowed it. Now it may seem harsh as to why God would allow such a trial for what the bible calls a righteous man…but the trials Job experienced revealed a sinful thing that was hidden deep inside his soul…it was a dragon seed…or self righteousness better known as pride. Pride is a monster, God hates it and Job chapter 41 describes its nature which is what was found in Satan before he was removed immediately as heavens worship leader and turned him into the dragon. Thus the coined phrase “pride comes before the fall”. Job was a good man but in order to be a Godly man pride had to be removed. It had to be broken at all costs, he questioned God, got angry at God and fell into deep depression and darkness.
However, I am reminded that God is the great physician and when the anesthesia of intense trials is administered it puts you to sleep in a dark place not to consume you but to remove the spiritual infections of the soul. So if you are chosen for a greater purpose, and you are refusing to do His will…God will break, mold a purge you according to his sovereign will. Who can fight God? So yes It’s painful, it feels unfair and even Jobs friends could not bring solace because it was “God” who was doing the breaking before the blessing that gave Job double for his trouble. Once Job was broken and accepted what God was doing in his life…He was not only blessed externally by the restoration of his family and possessions, he also found out who his real friend was (Elihu) and was blessed internally by having his hidden pride replaced by a humble and contrite heart. So if you are at your breaking point it’s a good thing…not a comfortable thing a Good thing. Your pride has to be removed before God can use you. It can feel like a near death experience because God himself is reaching into your innermost being and totally rearranging who you are and transforming you into what he has called you to be. The trial will end when you allow God to vanquish the monster of the deep. Be blessed.
– Pastor Andre Martin
P.s. Don’t let your pride keep you from seeing the truth of this post.
#humbleyourself #trialsteachyouaboutyourself #dragonsheart #sufferinghasapupose