The Outpouring (A lesson from an AC Unit)

Truth Minute: The Outpouring (A Lesson from an AC Unit)

Its very tempting to decrease your output or level of effort when there is little evidence of results. However, there may be an alternative means to not reduce or “hold back” who you are or your drive to keep going until the harvest is ripe. Perhaps, it is less about output than it is about THROUGHPUT. Recently there was a blockage in the flow of our AC units drainage pipe. There is nothing wrong the the Unit itself…its strong, its in order, it is in the right place and has support. Yet, the unit ceases to work when the output of water triggers the flow switch…it turns it off as a means to preserve the entire unit from unintended damage. So what is the fix? Should one replace the Unit when there is nothing wrong? No, it is too costly and if it goes, the support goes along with it and the house will be virtually uninhabitable or VERY uncomfortable.

Since replacing the Unit isn’t the best option, our attention needs to turn to the conduit itself or what the unit is pouring into and through. Another interesting fact is that if the blockage is in the foundation, it is very hard to remove if not impossible to deal with. There will need to be another route MADE that is unexpected and will delay the atmosphere being set as needed. Thankfully our situation wasn’t too serious but it did take two “witnesses/technicians” to address and verify that this blockage was out of the ordinary, especially after I could not correct what was wrong myself. The good news is that after they patiently applied the right pressure, there was a breakthrough. Consequently, a bunch of debris and sludge came out and now the atmosphere is back to normal and we can move on with the business of our household.

What’s the lesson in all of that? Well I learned that both parts (the output and throughput) are necessary for a comfortable atmosphere. There are those that pour out and those that you pour into and through. Sometimes those that you pour into may have blockages in their mind and spirit and it takes time to unclog things especially if the problem is in the foundation (or how one was raised or through erroneous thinking)…However, with patience and the right amount of pressure (accountability) from others there will be a breakthrough. In other cases, the blockage is in the foundation and there won’t be movement regardless of the pressure…in that case a complete rerouting is needed meaning that you will at times need to stop dealing with individuals that refuse your outpour and will need to recognize new ones with the throughput that suits you…trust me, the atmosphere depends on it. Be Blessed!

~ Pastor Andre L Martin

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