The Darkness is a time when God stays silent to develop you inwardly. This time period of suffering happens for one of three reasons and I say this in love….
1.) Being disobedient and “being able but not willing” therefore its a period of chastisement. i.e., (Jonah and not walking out his calling and it starts to impact others) OR (Ananias and Saphyra not giving and serving even though you are blessed…its like losing a job after you bought a car or house you prayed for but you stopped giving or serving and its being taken away).
2.) You are not in sin but have a great call on your life and you must suffer for his Glory . (Job with his classic affliction or Abraham and his night terror that led to him being a father of many nations).
3.) There was a life changing event that you cant pray, preach or prophesy your way out of and you have been grieving for so long until it has turned into a sinful stronghold or an idol. (Man who was lame for 38 Years at the pool of Bethesda…he was looking at the water (temporary solution) but could not see himself in the reflection.
No matter the scenario no human can help accelerate the exit out of darkness…there can only be prayer and support during this period for you are in the Fathers Hands. Again, no one likes to suffer but sometimes its the ONLY instrument that promotes change and growth in a Child of God.