In a world where there is so much confusion about relationships, there needs to be a clear voice to guide those who want to have a healthy and loving marriage. With over 20 Years of Relationship and marital coaching experience, Pastor Andre and Lady Martin are here to serve and help promote harmony and vitality between those that are looking to be married, those that are currently married and want to continue their progress and finally those that desire to salvage their marriage if there are difficulties. Please see our services below and fill out our form, so we can contact you with the next steps.
Available Sessions:
Take the M.I.C. Marriage Enrichment Conference ($35 Per Person or $50 Per Couple
Pre-Marital Counseling* – $300 – 6 Week Course (*Additional Fees May Apply)
MarriageWorks Restoration* – $450 – 8 Week Course (Includes Online Assessment)
**Members of Divine Truth Christian Center will receive a discount on services rendered. This is one of many benefits of being an active contributor to our ministry.
Key Scripture: “…This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.” (Matthew 19:5-6) Mission Statement To provide support, encouragement, and spiritual enrichment to all couples
Note: We are not licensed mental health counselors or behavioral therapists. While me may be able to identify issues on a deeper level, we have local partnerships that we refer clients to in case there are requests for services that are out of our scope or realm of expertise. Please contact us for referrals and a list of community resources that will address those needs. 407-583-3882